Happy New Year!
I gotta say, 2012 was not very good to me. Even down to the final few hours, last year was nothing but trouble! But I'm always excited to greet the new year.
Checking with the local runner's club, I saw there will be a trail half-marathon in Silver City. I haven't done much trail running, and the race is scheduled only about four months after Baby is due, but I think I'm going to send in my registration and go for it! Assuming I can at least keep up with something of an exercise routine through the rest of this pregnancy, I think I can be ready for it. I should also be able to run the Ed Hansen again; I would have about three months to train for that one. I probably won't be able to run the other two races I've done the last couple of years: the Breakers to Bay 5 mile is right around my due date, and I'll be lucky if I'm able to walk, much less run, by 4th of July. But just maybe I'll be able to do the Norway Spring Classic, even if I do the 5k instead of 10k. I really hope I can, just for the shock value of running a race preceded by my 7-month belly.
New year, new life, new goals. I pray we all make the best of it!