I really enjoy yoga. It reminds me of my years of ballet; get into a really uncomfortable position and then "hold, hold, hold, forever, forever, forever"... and then do a push up. I always work up a gooey sweat doing yoga, even though I'm basically standing, sitting, or even lying down on a mat only a little bigger than a bathtub. If you like twisting, reaching, perspiring heavily, and breathing only through your nose, yoga is the workout for you.
The Yoga X workout from the P90X system is a great routine, if you have an hour and a half to spend on your practice. I like Tony Horton's style as an instructor, and the routine is by far more complete than any other I've ever done. But it is 90 minutes long!
So, today I did Rodney Yee's Total Body Power Hour Starring Rodney Yee's Really Tight Blue Shorts.

That's not what the DVD is actually called, but it's something like that. This is a "Three Bears" workout: not too easy, but not too difficult. Just right for Mondays when I have an hour and a half to write a blog post, hang more laundry, cook lunch, nurse the baby, and get ready for work.
While I was twisting, reaching, and perspiring, Chuck and some of the kids went for a bike ride. When they got back, Daniel flopped himself on the couch with a sigh and said, "I need a recovery cookie." Joseph accidentally made way too much oatmeal for breakfast, so we are going to try this recipe for Leftover Oatmeal Cookies. Healthy and frugal. And since they are oatmeal cookies, I won't be tempted to eat the batter.
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